The New Christs, Two Door Cinema Club, King Parrot, Declan McKenna, Sesame Girl and more live around Wollongong this week
Jeb Taylor
A rare local show from Australian legends The New Christs, alongside visits from Australian mainstays King Parrot and Bob Evans across the weekend and then a huge international double bill early next week with Two Door Cinema Club and Decland McKenna.
Cover - The New Christs
Pnau, The Saints, Moaning Lisa, Hellcat Sppedracer, Andy Golledge Band and more live around Wollongong this week
Jeb Taylor
Pnua, The Saints, Moaning Lisa, Hellcat Speedracer, Andy Golledge band and plenty more are taking to stages around Wollongong in the coming week.
Cover - Moaning Lisa
Nunchukka Superfly, Nice Biscuit, Poison Ruin, The Dark Clouds, Elsy Wameyo, Sweet and more live around Wollongong this week
Jeb Taylor
There is plenty of guitar rock around this week in Wollongong with Nunchukka Superfly, The Dark Clouds and even UK glam rockers the Sweet!
Cover - Nunchukka Superfly
The Rions, Shady Nasty, Folk Bitch Trio, Machine Translations and more live around Wollongong this week
Jeb Taylor
La La La's turns five years old this weekend and they are having a party to celebrate on Saturday night to celebrate featuring Shady Nasty, Fungas, Blackout Fun Club and more. Other shows at La La La's across the week include Pyrefly on Friday, Fleshwater on Sunday and Loose Surface on Wednesday. This Friday night Sydney band The Rions bring their energetic indie rock sounds to Unibar, while not exactly live music but a favourite with music fans, Rockwiz is happening at Anita's Theatre next Wednesday. This weekend is stacked at the Servo in Port Kembla, kicking off with Waley...
The Whitlams, Hoodoo Gurus, Tumbleweed, Surely Shirley, Kita Alexander and more live around Wollongong this week
Jeb Taylor
Legendary artists such as The Whitlams and Hoodoo Gurus as well as a rare hometown appearance from local legends Tumbleweed. Rising stars Surely Shirley are also playing a rare local show and Kita Alexander is touring through as well along with plenty more.
Cover - Surely Shirley