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A Quick trip to New Zealand and in conversation at Yours & Owls Festival

Jeb Taylor

Last week I made a quick trip over to New Zealand, where I managed to check out a bunch of records stores, catch a couple of Hockey Dad shows and visit the Holiday Records pressing plant. For all the years I’ve been working with vinyl, I’ve never actually seen a pressing plant in action, so was great to check out the production process as it happened. The forthcoming album from The Cruel Sea was on the press at the time, and you can pre order it from us now right here. 

As I mentioned I checked out a few record stores and there will be a full Record Stores Of The World Auckland feature coming soon. It features the huge Real Groovy Records, Southbound Records, Flying Nun, Flying Out and Tron Records out in Hamilton. I usually try and pick up some New Zealand records when I was over there and this time managed to grab Sundae Painters (a super group featuring members of The Bats, The Clean, Tall Dwarfs and Toy Love), alongside reissues of early band Grim Ltd and Larry & The Rebels. 

Back home and Yours & Owls Festival is only a week away! If you are heading along (or even if you aren’t going to the festival) and interested in records labels , on Sunday morning, Ben and myself will be doing an in conversation panel presented by AIR and Sound NSW. It is free for everyone and is off site so you can head along even if you aren’t attending the festival.

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