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Put Your Records On: C.O.F.F.I.N.

Nick Irwin Put Your Records On

C.O.F.F.I.N. release the 'Australia Stops' ahead of the USA tour, followed by Australian tour dates in October. Adam Moss complied his musical choices

Your First Record

My dad got me a copy of big Willy style by Will Smith when I would have been about 5 years old. Thanks dad. I'm pretty sure the first album I got with my own money was Nellyville haha.

If we are talking vinyl I got a beaten up 12 of Shakespeare Sister - The Smiths at some random market in Edinburgh years ago.


The album that Changed your Musical Outlook

Probably Black Flag - My War. Older kid that lived up the road who I would skate with played it to me. Pretty big deal for young Aaron.

An Album that You love but is not widely known as it should be

Our mates Piss Shivers just put out a record on Gimmie Records. They rip, played with them a bunch and they are great people. Everyone should buy it.

The record that drew you in with it’s visuals

Not that it’s a particularly striking cover or anything but I remember buying X - Aspirations a long time ago based purely on the cover. I didn't know anything about them at the time and that turned out to be a great choice.

The album you are currently loving the most at the moment

So at the moment I’ve been listening to AC/DC's - If You Want Blood live album and the self titled Straitjacket Nation record. Ben’s been away for 4 months so we haven’t played a show since may. In 6 days we fly to America for a tour and those 2 albums are my go to records to get my hyped on playing shows. We’ve played a cover of Riff Raff to death and I’m still not sick of it.

Also went and saw Robber play last night so I’ve been playing that today. Love Robber.


Grab your copy of the new C.O.F.F.I.N. album now.


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